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Alan Hartley, MA/ASC
(563) 359-3686
Lisa Crosley
Building Secretary
(563) 359-3686
Jane Albert
Attendance Secretary
(563) 359-3686
Rachael Dierickx
Associate Principal
(563) 359-3686
Allison Holland, MA
Associate Principal
(563) 359-3686
Emily Henneman, MA
Dean of Students
(563) 359-3686
Dave Kietzman, MA/ASC
Dean of Students
(563) 359-3686
Nicholas Myers, MA
Athletic Director & Social Studies Teacher
(563) 359-3686
Erin Allen
(563) 359-3686
Nikki Armstrong, MA
Instructional Coach
(563) 359-3686
Lisa Barnes, MA
Language Arts
(563) 359-3686
Tim Behrens
(563) 359-3686
Ron Bergman
Social Studies
(563) 359-3686
Melissa Bixby, MA
(563) 359-3686
Ann Braught, MA
(563) 359-3686
English Learners
Jessica Bruecken Blaum
Language Arts
(563) 359-3686
Shannon Budde, MA
Design & Build
(563) 359-3686
Gwyn Christopher
Computer Science
(563) 359-3686
Rosemary Clark
Special Education
(563) 359-3686
Heidi Claussen, MA
Special Education
(563) 359-3686